This month's focus in the All About You series has been Restorative Time.
I took a trip to the Netherlands this month with a group of friends from college, where we buzzed from one town/city to another, seeing everything we could (averaging 15,000-20,000 steps per day). I did not think of this type of vacation as restorative.
As I thought about this, I realized I truly gave myself to each moment, taking in the sights, sounds, aromas, and everything else around me. I am Dutch, so this is a big part of my heritage, and I felt very connected to all that I was experiencing.
Another wonderful thing that happened was that not one single person called me PRUNE. 🎉🎉. For those who don’t know it, my last name (Pruyne) is pronounced PRINE. Much like the “uy” in the word buy, that combination makes an “I” sound. Whenever someone would say my name properly, my friends would cheer - “One more for the books.”
I could regale you with many stories and pictures, but I will limit myself to just a few from our visit to the Escher Museum. I so appreciate how Escher plays with perspective. Below are two pieces of his work that are beautiful examples of that.