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Today, on Notable Leaders’ Radio, I speak with Jason Wright, CEO and Founder at Intentionally Inspirational – Automated Marketing. He highlights seizing opportunity, embracing uncertainty, and focusing on solutions.

In today’s episode, we discuss:

  • Seize opportunities early. Identify opportunities around you and take the initiative. Early lessons in advancing your career can come from simple moments and set the stage for future success.

    • Embrace uncertainty and lean into discomfort. Success often lies in stepping into the unknown. Don’t let fear keep you from exploring new possibilities or pursuing your true passion.

      • Surround yourself with the right support.  Building a strong network, including teams, clients, and support systems, is essential to driving sustainable success.

        • Patience is paramount. Success takes time. Patience allows you to stay resilient through challenges and failures, knowing that progress will come if you remain consistent.

          • Take breaks to re-energize. When things feel stagnant or overwhelming, shift your energy by stepping away from the grind. 
          J A S O N  W R I G H T

          Jason is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, limited partner real estate
          investor, podcast host and digital marketing architect
          with a passion
          for helping other business owners with their sales funnels. Jason
          prides himself on his ability to connect with people and speak to
          them in a language they understand. Jason is able to design
          successful marketing automation machines all while keeping a
          positive attitude and sense of humor along the way.


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          Business Innovation Group
          DBA Belinda Pruyne
          PO Box 373
          Chester, MD 21619

          Phone: (646) 450-4244
          © C O P Y R I G H T  2 0 2 1  B E L I N D A  P R U Y N E  
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          Business Innovation Group
          DBA Belinda Pruyne
          PO Box 373
          Chester, MD 21619

          Phone: (646) 450-4244
          © C O P Y R I G H T  2 0 2 1  B E L I N D A  P R U Y N E  